Psychographic segmentation - case study
Case study
A survey of driving behaviours in the UK produced two distinct categories of 'boy racers'.
"The first point of note is that within the 17-24.s, there are not one, but two groups of 'boy racers': Deathwish and Young & Reckless. These have quite distinctive and different psychographic profiles.
The report then went onto identify further potentially 'dangerous' groups linked to age and behaviour:
- Fast & Cocky (25-34)
- Fast & Invincible (35-50)
- Stress City (25-34)
- Fast & Far Away (17-24)
- Accidental Tourists (25-34)
- Mr & Mrs Average (35-50)
- Confident Steady Eddies
- Nervous Steady Eddies
Group Activity
In groups consider these segments and summarise what the typical person in these groups might look like, how they are likely to live their lives and what products and services might be suitable for them. From a 'social marketing point of view', what types of marketing could be offered to change some of these behaviours?
- Report back to the whole class on your findings
- Develop a marketing campaign based on your ideas to include adverts, posters, product details, distribution channels etc focused on two of these groups.
In most cases, these are what are called 'stereotypes'. The way we look at these groups might be simplified and exaggerated but they do serve to identify certain characteristics. These might be useful to a business looking to target particular markets.