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Long answers


Try in each case to formulate a plan of how you would tackle them using bullet points. If you were writing an essay, or an answer to the final part of a data response question, each bullet represents a paragraph, which you expand upon in your final answer. Examiners are very keen on structure and the use of paragraphs. These questions are extremely open-ended, so there are no right or wrong answers as such (though they must have appropriate economic theory) - follow the links in each case for a selection of points you might have raised.

Question 1

Explain the main features of interventionist and market-led strategies to achieve growth and development.

Question 1 - answer

Question 2

Outline the various strategies which a country may deploy to achieve economic development.

Question 2 - answer

Question 3

Explain the likely changes in economic policy that would be necessary if a country moved from an interventionist to a market-oriented development strategy.

Question 3 - answer

Question 4

Discuss the arguments for and against completely unrestricted financial capital flows into, and out of, developing countries.

Question 4 - answer

Question 5

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of interventionist growth and development strategies. Define growth and development.

Question 5 - answer

Question 6

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of market-oriented growth and development strategies. Define growth and development.

Question 6 - answer