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Non-governmental organizations

In recent years, one of the biggest growth industries in developing economies has been that of the NGOs - the non-governmental organisations. They undoubtedly do a very fine job (in most cases), but they can become almost a de facto government and exercise huge influence. They are 'guests' in a country and need to think carefully about the projects they select, and how they employ nationals. Many are essential to the fabric of the country in which they operate.

They work best when:

  • Allowed to tackle issues at local level
  • Encouraged to employ as many local workers as possible
  • Specialised in specific and often rural-based project work
  • Project monitoring is done very carefully
  • Relations with governments are cordial, but not too friendly


You may like to have a browse around the web sites of some of these NGOs to see the sort of work and projects they are involved in: