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2.5 Motivation - notes


In the previous sections we looked at human resource planning, examined organisational structures, identified and analysed various types and channels of communication and considered the nature of leadership and management. In this section we will analyse and evaluate the various techniques employed by managers to motivate individuals and teams.

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By the end of this section you should be able to:

  • Analyse the intrinsic ad extrinsic needs that have to be satisfied at work and the rewards that motivate individuals in given situations
  • Evaluate alternative financial reward packages and the impact of these on job satisfaction, motivation and productivity
  • Explain how non-financial rewards can affect job satisfaction, motivation and productivity

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  • Apply the content theories of Mayo and McClelland
  • Analyse the effect of thought processes and expectations on individual motivation
  • Apply the theories of writers such as Vroom and Adams
  • Evaluate alternative methods of non-financial rewards in different circumstances in the workplace.