2.1 Human Resource Planning - Notes
Labour is one of the four factors of production described in topic one on the nature of business. There are two key aspects to human resource planning:
- Having the right number of people in the right place at the right time (supply of labour)
- Ensuring that the quality of those people is suited to their roles and responsibilities
By the end of this section you should be able to:
- Identify the constraints and opportunities provided by demographic change
- Discuss the significance of changes in labour mobility
- Compare present human resources with future requirements and evaluate strategies for developing future human resources
- Describe methods of recruitment, appraisal, training and dismissal
- Discuss advantages and disadvantages of different methods of recruitment, appraisal and training
- Describe reasons for changes in the work patterns and practices and consequences for employers and employees
- Analyse the impact on the firm of legal employment rights
- Examine how recruitment, appraisal, training, dismissal and redundancies enable the firm to achieve workforce planning targets
- Analyse reasons for changes in the work patterns and practices and consequences for employers and employees