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Balance of payments - calculation (2)

Credits (+), Debits (-) $m (2011)

Current account
1 Exports of goods 5850
2 Imports of goods -5250
3 Balance of trade in goods ??

4 Exports of services 2100
5 Imports of services -1900
6 Balance of trade in services ??

7 Income receipts (investment income) ??
8 Income payments (investment income) -525
9 Net income receipts (investment income) -50
10 Current transfers (net) 120
11 Net income flows ??

12 Current account balance 870

Capital account
13 Capital account transactions (net) -390

Financial account
14 Direct investment, net ??
15 Portfolio investment, net -160
16 Reserve assets funding -55
17 Errors and omissions -10
18 Capital and financial account balance ??

Question 1

Define the following terms:

(a) Direct investment
(b) Portfolio investment
(c) Errors and omissions

Question 2

Calculate the missing figures from the balance of payments account for Country Y given above and place them in the appropriate box.

Question 3

If country Y has a floating exchange rate system, draw a diagram to show the likely impact of the balance of payments situation shown above on the country's exchange rate.

Question 4

Evaluate two possible policies to correct the current account position country Y faces.
