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International economics
Table of Contents
Topic pack - International economics - introduction
Section 3.1 International trade (notes)
Section 3.1 International trade (questions)
Section 3.1 International trade - simulations and activities
Section 3.2 Exchange rates (notes)
Exchange rates - introduction
Floating exchange rates
Demand and supply of dollars (video)
Exchange rate appreciation
Exchange rate depreciation
Demand and supply of dollars (video)
Advantages and disadvantages of floating exchange rates
Exchange rate determination - calculation
Causes of changes in exchange rate
Effects of exchange rate changes
Fixed exchange rates
Advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rates
Managed exchange rates
Section 3.2 Exchange rates - questions
Section 3.2 Exchange rates - simulations and activities
Section 3.3 Balance of payments - notes
Section 3.3 Balance of payments - questions
Section 3.4 Economic integration - notes
Section 3.4 Economic integration - questions
Section 3.5 Terms of trade - notes
Section 3.5 Terms of trade - questions
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Section 3.2 Exchange rates (notes)