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International economics
Table of Contents
Topic pack - International economics - introduction
Section 3.1 International trade (notes)
Section 3.1 International trade (questions)
Section 3.1 International trade - simulations and activities
Section 3.2 Exchange rates (notes)
Section 3.2 Exchange rates - questions
Section 3.2 Exchange rates - simulations and activities
Section 3.3 Balance of payments - notes
Section 3.3 Balance of payments - questions
Section 3.4 Economic integration - notes
Economic integration - introduction
Where does trade occur?
Stages of economic integration
Trade blocs
The effects of trade blocs
Obstacles to achieving integration
Monetary union
Advantages & disadvantages of single currencies
Section 3.4 Economic integration - questions
Section 3.5 Terms of trade - notes
Section 3.5 Terms of trade - questions
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Section 3.4 Economic integration - notes
Real world examples