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Outsourcing goes full circle


Is this a taste of the future? Outsourcing goes full circle as Indian firms look to the U.S. for cheap labour

Read the article Is this a taste of the future? Outsourcing goes full circle as Indian firms look to the U.S. for cheap labour (you can do this in the window below or follow the previous link to read the article in a separate window) and then answer the questions below.


Question 1

Define the terms:

  • Emerging economy
  • Turnover

Question 2

Explain the reasons why Indian firms, such as Tata and Wypro are outsourcing jobs to the US.

Question 3

Analyse whether low wage rates in call centres will always result in poorly motivated employees.

Question 4

Discuss the arguments for and against outsourcing and contracting compared with provision by the firm themselves.
