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Business organisation and environment
Table of Contents
Topic pack - introduction
1.1 Nature of business activity - notes
1.1 Nature of business activity - questions
1.2 Types of organisation - notes
1.2 Types of organisation - questions
1.3 Organisational objectives - notes
1.3 Organisational objectives - questions
1.4 Stakeholders - notes
1.4 Stakeholders - questions
1.5 External environment - notes
External environment
Introduction - PEST/STEP analysis
The legal and political environment - introduction
The legal environment
Political stability and instability
The social and cultural environment - introduction
Social responsibility
Demographic trends
The technological environment - introduction
The Internet and the World Wide Web (www).
Technological change
The ecological environment
The economic environment - introduction
Economic growth
The Business Cycle
Exchange rates
Interest rates
Government fiscal policy
1.5 External environment - questions
1.5 External environment - simulations and activities
1.6 Organisational planning tools - notes
1.6 Growth and evolution - notes
1.7 Growth and evolution - questions
1.7 Growth and evolution - simulations and activities
1.6 Change (HL only) - notes
1.9 Globalisation - notes
1.9 Globalisation - questions
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