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Macroeconomics crossword
Try completing the crossword below on microeconomics terms and definitions
7. Government policies to create incentives for individuals and firms to increase their productivity
14. A measure of the average prices received by producers for their products
16. A relationship between unemployment and inflation
17. The total of all planned expenditure in an economy at each level of prices
18. Goods, services and capital assets sold abroad
1. The part of disposable income (income after tax) not spent on goods and services
2. The tendency of economies to move, over time, through periods of boom and slump
3. A measure of the level of economic activity within a country
4. Changes in the levels of taxation and government expenditure
5. A situation where there is insufficient demand in the economy to get to full-employment equilibrium
6. Curve to illustrate income distribution
8. A tax that takes an increasing proportion of income as income rises
9. The number of workers (of working age) without a job who are willing and able to work
10. A tax set so that the rate of taxation is always a fixed proportion of income
11. Expenditure by households on the goods and services they want to satisfy their wants
12. An increase in injections has a greater effect on national income than the value of the injection
13. A type of inflation when aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply
15. Flows of money that leave the circular flow of income